アリミ・バラードのインスタグラム(alimiballard) - 5月3日 12時25分

#Repost w/ @terrelltilford
There aren't enough hashtags.
There aren't enough t-shirts.
There aren't enough marches.
He was 15 years young.
A young King, assassinated by those hired to
Protect and Serve.
Who you protectin', officer?
Who you servin', officer?
Cuz you robbed #JORDANEDWARDS of his Everything.
You stole his innocence...
You deprived him of greater-ness...
You forbade him of that proverbial number all Black men aspire toward: 25.
Another Dream Deferred...
Just hitting puberty...
Voice probably still changing...
A straight-A student...
Guess you took that 'A' for 'AIM', huh?!?!?!
How many shots before you asked questions---
How many Shots before You asked Questions---
How many SHOTS before YOU asked QUESTIONS---
Please, stop taking shots
And we'll stop asking questions...


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