DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 5月10日 17時41分

Philly is home now. The vet said he seems to have nothing blocking any intestines, and there's no sign of pancreatitis. The X-ray showed a swollen lump like part of his intestine that the vet wasn't overly sure on but to just keep a very close eye on him and feed him only sweet potatoes for the night. He said that Philly progressed a little throughout the day and became slowly happier in himself. No yelping anymore which we are so glad about! But he's just got home and my poor baby seems really scared. ? He won't come to any of us very easily and he won't get on his bed and he's still panting and walking around the house unable to settle. ?????? We will see how he is over night and keep everyone updated in the morning. I think we will get him checked again tomorrow and get a second opinion on the X-ray just to be sure. Thank you again for all of the messages and DMs, emails and comments. We're really grateful for your love ❤

EDIT: Philly has now settled down and is sleeping. He had some sweet potato and a drink of water and is looking much better. We will still be getting a second opinion tomorrow and will be keeping a very close eye on him through the night. Xxxx


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