コーラル アンド タスクのインスタグラム(coralandtusk) - 5月11日 07時30分

The ocean is a strong source of inspiration for @stephanie_coralandtusk ? From our friends @oceanconservancy here are some tips to be mindful of your impact! ?? For the health of our ocean ecosystems and all of it's incredible wildlife, we have to continue to be aware how much our daily activity can effect and contribute to the health of our oceans. So much of our trash and use of things we don't even think about ends up there. Eliminate plastic from your life as much as possible or make use of reusable plastic products. Plastic debris in the ocean degrades marine habitats and contributes to the deaths of many marine animals. Because floating plastic often resembles food to many marine birds, sea turtles and marine mammals, they can choke or starve because their digestive systems get blocked when they eat it. Help prevent these unnecessary deaths—use cloth grocery bags and reusable water bottles. Learn more about what you can do and how to help protect and become a voice for our oceans at oceanconservancy.org ?


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