デイミアン・リラードのインスタグラム(damianlillard) - 5月12日 06時45分

My special bond with my grandmother inspired me to write my song "Thank You" as a tribute to her. In honor of Mother's Day, I'm giving my #4BarFriday community a chance to spit Mother's Day themed bars over "Thank You" for tomorrow's #4BarFriday challenge. The bars can be about any special mother in your life (mom, grandma, sister, wife, etc). The top 4 from the challenge will receive speakers and headphones courtesy of @jblaudio to gift to the moms their bars are about. Just make sure to keep them 4 bars and tag @デイミアン・リラード, @jblaudio, @4barfriday, #4BarFriday, #MothersDay and #ThankYouChallenge. The link to the instrumental is in @4barfriday's bio. Spread the word to all the MCs you know that want to pay tribute to the special mothers in their life. Let's get the #ThankYouChallenge trending tomorrow.
P.S. Shout out to @marshaambrosius for the beautiful hook on this song!
#DameDOLLA #TheLetterO #FrontPageMusic @frontpagehits


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