ケリー・マレーのインスタグラム(kelli_murray) - 5月14日 15時49分

What a privilege it is to be a mother. I'm sitting here looking through old photo boxes getting all sentimental over how grateful I am for this life, for the role I get to play in each of my kids lives. I was lucky to grow up with a shining example of a mother. She loved us fiercely...my two sisters and I who are all just one year apart (bless her!) She taught me about Jesus and to be kind and humble and open hearted. It wasn't until becoming a mother myself that I was able to fully appreciate all that she was and is for me. Motherhood has been a lot harder and a lot more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. There's been high highs and low lows and it's changed me in so many ways. I just feel really lucky, and empowered, to raise these little humans to the best of my ability...3 little humans come August! I hope one day they will look back on their life and know how much I loved them, just like I do with my mom. (this is one of my favorite photos taken a few years back by @rachelcast just before Cru came into our world) Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing mamas out there ?


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