ケイト・ナッシュのインスタグラム(katenash) - 5月15日 23時03分

I just registered to vote. At the moment 60% of 18-24 yr olds don't vote. 40% of you do. I'm so interested in hearing from you about this issue. Comment below, why you do or don't care about voting. This is your future and although these systems are archaic ? they are in place...so help shape the future that you want to see as best you can. I urge you to register to vote or at the very least get involved in the discussion below ⬇️ I'll be doing a livestream later this wk about the issue. Registering is simple, you just need your national insurance number, address and date of birth basically. Takes a few minutes. And you can apply to vote by proxy or by post if you are not around to do it in person! This world needs your voice. Young people especially, you are the ones that will feel the effects of the decisions being made now. You'll be living them. Don't leave it to the dinosaurs.?u got it, so use it. This is not a time to be silent or passive ❤️ We need you ? @voteforpatmore #voteforsomeone #vote Register to vote by May 22nd ✊️


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