ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 5月21日 02時44分

In 2013, in the drawn-out aftermath of the Great Recession, Garry Goff laid off his staff and shut down his struggling auto body shop. “I felt like I was lost and I felt like I was a loser,” said Garry, who's 53. He landed a job, though, as an airplane painter, thanks in part to a federal funding source called the Community Development Block Grant. $2 million of CDBG funds were used to fill in the gaps on a $13.9 million renovation of an old airport hanger at Grissom Air Reserve Base in Indiana. “This job virtually saved our lives,” Garry’s wife, Patricia, told @ニューヨーク・タイムズ. “We were in a downward spiral, and it really pulled us out of it.” But the CDBG might not be around if President Trump gets his way. His full budget proposal, due Tuesday, will zero out the grant program. “I don’t think he gets how important some of these programs are,” Patricia said of @ドナルド・トランプ. “I understand there are some people who you feel like they are just sucking off the system and living off the system. But the people who are really suffering are your working poor.” @samuelhodgson took this photo of Garry while on #nytassignment in Indiana. Swipe left to see more photos, and visit the link in our profile to read more about the CDBG’s obscure reach.


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