ピーター・リンドバーグのインスタグラム(therealpeterlindbergh) - 5月21日 03時29分

PSPF 2017, ARRIVAL DAY (PART 2 of 2)

Everyone has been asked, additional to the questions, to share 20 photographs he/she likes best from their work, plus five photographs, they would have loved to do themselves, from other photographers.

Lindbergh stated: “I don’t want you to go back with my solutions for everything, but with more questions. to find the answers to these questions yourself, you must be patient, because you will not find them now, but maybe in 15 years from now, when you come finally to the place where these answers are. But one day, when you look back, you’ll discover something beautiful… You will see 15 years and more of your life dedicated to photography…” Workshop participants: Aladdin Ishmael (Los Angeles), Andre Schneider (New York), Andrew Macpherson (California), Carmen Maldonado (Guatemala), Erik Almas (Sonoma, CA), Gabriella Muttone (Los Angeles), Howard Rosenberg, Iryna Ishchenko (San Francisco), Landry Major (Malibu Canyon, CA), Lena Davidoff (New York), Lesia Maruschak (Ottawa, Canada), Lucia Arana (Lima, Peru), Meg Mulloy (Austin, TX), Omar Cruz (Miami, FL), Shaun Fenn (Manhattan Beach, CA), Steven Simko (Hollywood, CA), Sunva Eysturoy (Faroe Islands), Valentina Eade (Monaco), Victoria Will (New York) & Zoe Berkovic (New York). #PSphotofestival #PSPF2017 #LindberghStories @2bmanagement @gagosiangallery @psphotofestival


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Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
Danielle Sharpさんがフォロー
