Shinedownのインスタグラム(shinedown) - 5月24日 21時04分

... @thebrentsmith I'm super motivated by this man Mr. @shauntfitness!
If you have been wanting to start getting in shape, I mean really in shape, this is a great person to get you there. 4yrs ago I lost a total of 70 lbs. I worked hard, and trained hard with 2 of my best friends @got_rich and also @mfcasas. I also was a major student of #insanity and #t25... Now I'll be honest I've put 30lbs back on in the last 2yrs, but I have a realistic goal to lose that weight, and be stronger, and healthier by our July run in the USA. So this week, and beyond is a great time to start getting FIT with @shauntfitness. So let's all get after it!!! Tag me, and show me how your doing, and I'll do the same. Remember to be safe, and also consult your Dr. before beginning a workout program... No matter what start slow, and give it your best, don't get frustrated, get motivated!!! #letsgo #beachbody


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