Jessica Arevaloのインスタグラム(jessicaarevalo_) - 5月28日 02時27分

The GAINZ are very real!?
One thing I have not been doing is paying attention to the scale. I have not lost one pound in 6 weeks of consistent nutrition, cardio & weight lifting. But WOW has my body changed!? If you're struggling with the scale but not losing weight instead focus on how you're fitting in your clothes? How your body is feeling? (Tightness etc) I feel this time and age scales no longer define anyone's fitness journey. My advice to you is **Don't listen to the scale listen to your body!?
NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO JUST WENT LIVE! Click link in bio to watch!??
#NoMakeUpAndBunLife #TheOldJessIsBackBeastingAndGrinding #LifeTimeNaturalEeerthang #WatchOut?


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