ヴィッキー・パティソンのインスタグラム(vickypattison) - 5月29日 19時22分

Your Monday, your week, your way... YOU are in control of your attitude and life.

Choose to be excited about Mondays rather than dreading them and you'll be surprised on the difference it has on your week!
I'm feeling mega positive vibes as I'm at @jasonvale's Juicy Oasis hiking, drinking all the fruits and vegetables that ever existed, doing lots of yoga and other smug healthy things so this all feels ABIT easier for me! I'm sure loads of you are coming off a massive bank holiday weekend and are dreading getting back to work- but try and look for the positive... Even if it's just you've only got a 4 day work week this week!! ???


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



