ソフィーのインスタグラム(sophielovestuna) - 5月30日 04時24分

Monday Update: I just visited Sophie and met with her doctors again. Right now she is stable on the ventilator. Her X-rays are much worse than the previous ones but the first batch was before pneumonia really set in so it's expected. She will remain as of now on the ventilator giving her body time to heal. Her antibiotics are being switched this afternoon to see if she responds better and hopefully bring her red blood count up. A culture from fluid in her lungs will also be tested and in a few days after it grows bacteria antibiotic adjustments may again be made. She's in critical care and a doctor sits right with her 24/7 constantly adjusting things as needed. She's getting the best care available so we have to remain hopeful her body will continue healing and fighting. I'll be meeting her doctor again in a few hours in case anything has changed and will let you know. All of your generous donations continue to make this all possible since the bills are extremely expensive (additional $5-7k every 4 days) I wanted to be as detailed as I could and thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I haven't gotten any sleep and am extremely behind on messages so please forgive the delays but know nothing will go unnoticed. Thank you all for continuing to help try and save my baby. ??? Please continue to pray.


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