イリザ・シュレシンガーのインスタグラム(ilizas) - 5月30日 07時04分

These are MY PIP POPS!! Bad ass Jews. On the left is my mom's father, Melvin Schlien. He stormed the beach at Anzio in WWII. He was also in Africa and brought home a bullwhip and kept it in his car in case anyone ever tried anything, which they did- and he was ready. (I stole this pic from my cousin @konnartist insta) On the right is my father's father, Ben Shlesinger. In 1942 my nana made this book during his deployment, that's her writing at the bottom "I'm so proud of him. I love a soldier." Her scrap book is one of my prized possessions all these years later. I'm proud to have had family fight for our country and I'm proud, as an artist and a patriot, to have performed for our troops. I'm thinking of those who fought and those who fought and died for our freedom on this #memorialdayweekend ??


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