アンジェラ・ペティのインスタグラム(angie_run800m) - 6月5日 12時56分

From after our run this morning before dropping Sam off at the airport this afternoon. Goodbyes are so hard. Especially when they're with your other half. I miss Sam after one day apart let alone a week, and unfortunately for this next stint it will be about another month apart. It's one of the downsides of competing around the world (there are many positives though of course and I'm sooo grateful to be living my dream!!) As I miss the rest of my family, friends Tux and home a lot too. I'm so grateful he was able to join me here in America for a couple of weeks and it was such an amazing time!!! Soo grateful for technology and Skype! Love you sooo very much hubs!!! ❤❤❤❤


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