キキ・パーマーのインスタグラム(keke) - 6月7日 00時31分

Fighting depression like ?

Life is not easy for anyone and to pretend that we are alright a million percent of the time only creates no space for God to heal us. No one, no matter how it may seem, is completely satisfied with every fraction of their lives. I am not happy all the time, I am not sad all the time, I am a human being and none of us know how to make sense of this world as it comes at us so fast. There is nothing wrong with not being "okay" all the time, it is much more normal than you think despite the stigma sometimes put around sharing your feelings. Don't hide your feelings, especially not from yourself, make room for God by accepting who you are and what you feel at all times.. Then be open, to the understanding that it WILL pass, and when it does, oh man oh man! What motivation it will be, what stories you shall be able to tell. Which sounds more productive to you: pretending you are alright or knowing when you are not so that you can do something about it?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




