マウンテンハードウェアのインスタグラム(mountainhardwear) - 6月8日 00時54分

“Climate change is real. Its effects are being realized in our backyards every day. To deny this not only jeopardizes the places we play and call home but also directly affects our way of life. As a community, we are bound by our common love for wide-open spaces, snowy mountains, cold streams, healthy forests and public lands. In the wake of President Trump’s decision to pull the US from the Paris Agreement, deny science and common sense, we want to remind you that our collective voice is strong. There is an undercurrent of energy at the local, state and federal level that honors science, the indisputable fact that global temperatures are rising, and that steps must be taken to address this global crisis. With prudence and a moral compass guiding us, we celebrate stewardship, adopt best practices that limit our impact, and support efforts that may inspire positive change so that our grandkids have a healthy planet to call home. This is our mission in the face of federal leadership unwilling to recognize the importance of the Paris Agreement in our global fight to curb climate change.” Words and photo by #MountainHardwear Ambassador, ecologist and storyteller, @charles_post.

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