Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 6月12日 23時16分

This is Baby Erica. As you can see, her left eye has a problem. It is called Uveitis, an inflammation of the Uvea. We took her to the best eye Doctor in Mexico and she is doing a little better. By the way, Erica and her sister Becca were born here with us from one of the females of Houdini's Pride that came pregnant to us when we rescued them. The mom had them and just walked out of the room. THINK BLUE...
Ella es Erica, una Tigrita con un problema ocular como pueden ver. Tiene inflamada la Uvea. La llevamos con el mejor oftalmólogo de México y va mejorando un poco. Erica y su hermana Becca nos nacieron a nosotros pues su mamá nos llego embarazada, eran Tigres de circo. La mama las tuvo y se salió del cuarto. PIENSEN EN AZUL....
#ThinkBlue #EricaAndBeccaBJWT #SaveTigers #BeHuman #blackjaguarwhitetiger #ThinkBlue


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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