ミッチェル・コリンズのインスタグラム(michcoll) - 6月14日 08時58分

Here I am this morning in what appears to be a dress plus jeans along with my guests on this week's all new @freshbatchpod: She's the co-creator of Bust Magazine and an all around inspo @marcellekarp, and he is my heartlight and the loveliest acTOR I have ever known, the one and only @マイケル・ユーリー! We discuss the latest news out of #bachelorinparadise and what it may mean for the contestants and franchise, and give my mom a call where for once she doesn't seem thrilled to hear from me... it's all very confusing and I encourage you to listen. Also apologies to Michael for posting this of all pics, but it was the only one where my knee-length tunic looked remotely normal and I'm the host so... love u bb. iTunes link in bio but available wherever podcasts are streamed.


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