スティーブ・クックのインスタグラム(stevecook) - 6月16日 06時34分

If you want a stronger bench press start doing heavier tricep work!! Rolling tricep extension is one of my favorite exercises to overload the triceps. Using poundage close to your one rep max on skull crushers, control the weight down - DO NOT lower to the forehead, make sure it's to the crown of your head!!!! At the bottom of the movement roll the weight to the chest and press it up. The most important thing is to control the weight down, moving as slowly as you can!
In both the BIG and LEAN programs we incorporate work like this to ensure our secondary muscles aren't failing first in our compound movements. Ex your anterior deltoid and your triceps are a big part of a strong bench press. Click the link in bio and get more information on both the LEAN program and BIG program!


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