ジェマ・マリンのインスタグラム(gemma_marin) - 6月16日 15時50分

Before being a mom i was sure i wanted to breastfeed Alexandra but i didn't know the bad part of it. It's so true that sometimes is hard, painful and you gotta be there for her any time she is hungry, if like Alexandra, doesn't get the bottles. BUT seeing your baby growing so healthy, and calming her down everytime she is upset, or she has colics, hiccups etc.. thanks to you... THAT feeling when you see her like crazy opening her little mouth trying to find you.. it doesn't matter how painful it could be,or how much time is taking from me, right now is the BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD ?❤
Alexandra weights 12 pounds and she is not even 2 months old? I got a good milk huh? ?
#dancingalexandra #pescetarian #breastfeeding #love .
Siempre habia tenido claro que queria darle el pecho a Alexandra, pero entonces yo no tenia ni idea de los contras de la lactancia materna. Es totalmente cierto q a veces es duro, duele, debes estar disponible a todas horas si tu bebe no coge biberones como Alexandra.. PERO ver a tu hija crecer sana, calmarla cuando llora, cuando tiene colicos, hipo etc.. todo eso gracias a ti... ese sentimiento cuando la ves habiendo la boca como loca buscando tu pecho...no importa que doloroso y duro sea, ahora mismo es el MEJOR SENTIMIENTO DEL MUNDO?❤
Alexandra pesa ya 6kg y aun no tiene ni dos meses ? Alguien fabrica buena leche no? ?


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