ジャニナ・ガヴァンカーのインスタグラム(janina) - 6月17日 03時50分

To my new games journalism friends: Please interview Tom Keegan.
Cinematic performance director Tom Keegan is the best director I've ever worked with, in any medium. I'm generally obsessed w him. He's worked on some of the best stories, in games, and he has told me he'd be open to interviews
Star Wars Battlefront II
Battlefield 1, 3, & 4
Wolfenstein 1&2
Archangel VR
Deadrising 3&4
Mirror's Edge
These are just what I remember w/o googling. His technique is acutely honed, and he cuts no corners. He expects a lot from his actors, and will do whatever it takes to get them emotionally available to the material. I'm also trying to talk him into doing master classes for those interested in directing within the space,  as the industry still doesn't have a ton of motion capture directors, working at this level. May the next generation can reap the benefits of his expertise. :-) He is one of the people leading the charge in pushing this medium forward, and I want everyone to know who the heck he is. You can email me at pr@teamjanina.com  and I will pass on requests to him!


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