ニュー・ミュージアム・オブ・コンテンポラリー・アートのインスタグラム(newmuseum) - 6月20日 07時57分

#MuseumWeek begins today with a sweet theme: #FoodMW! #KaariUpson, whose work is currently on view on our 3rd floor, explores themes of consumption, with a particular focus on her mother's daily afternoon routine of drinking a can of Pepsi. “The sound she made isn’t important and it can’t be written phonetically,” Upson says. “It was an attempt to communicate externally her internal joy or satisfaction; it was projected out, and it needed an audience…. I found it elicited a feeling of distance and disgust in me at a young age. The cans are a fossilized echo of the distance and disgust covering the original repetitious sound she made at 4 PM every day.” [?: Maris Hutchinson / EPW Studio] #WomenMW


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




