ゴールデングローブ賞のインスタグラム(goldenglobes) - 6月21日 01時26分

Happy 50th Birthday, Nicole Kidman! The three-time Golden Globe winner and eleven-time nominee has been incredibly busy lately with the recently aired limited TV series «Big Little Lies», the three upcoming movies «The Beguiled», «The Killing of a Sacred Deer», «How to Talk to Girls at Parties» and the second season of «Top of the Lake». She has also completed filming the American version of the Golden Globe nominated French hit comedy «The Intouchables» and is in pre-production for a comedy written and directed by Rebecca Miller. In 2018, Nicole Kidman will be also «mermaid warrior" Queen Atlanna in «Aquaman». Wow what a list! Now let’s have some cake to celebrate! (Photo: @moviemarlene)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




