ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 6月23日 00時51分

Video by @Joel Sartore | A critically-endangered female northern white-cheeked gibbon named Polly at the @EndangeredPrimateRescueCenter in Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam. She was a youngster, and instead of sucking her thumb, she actually sucked on her big toe during our photoshoot.
Because they are hunted for meat, used in traditional “medicines” and sold into the illegal pet trade, Northern white-cheeked gibbons’ main predators are humans. Their forest habitats in China, Vietnam and Laos are steadily being destroyed as logging continues, causing their populations to diminish along with it. In fact, there hasn’t been a Northern white-cheeked gibbon sighting in China since the 1990s.
The Endangered Primate Rescue Center is a not-for-profit project dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, breeding, research and conservation of Vietnam's endangered and critically endangered primate species. Their final aim is to reintroduce and release these animals as stable family groups into well-protected natural areas.
To see a portrait of this gibbon, check out @Joel Sartore!
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