Saghar Setarehのインスタグラム(labnoon) - 6月30日 05時29分

If the devil is in the details, let him know that I am a devotee.
The eternal city was wonderfully windy, and a bit empty today. It was the Saint Peter and Saint Paul day; the two patron saints of Rome. Many have left for vacations somewhere on the seaside, but I preferred to take a walk in the most breathtakingly iconic parts if the city (seen them on the stories?), and then, among many photos of glorious, majestic and supreme ruins, palazzi and views, I chose to share this one. (I am very, VERY obsessively skeptical about which photos I post here). I chose this one partly because like the devil, I am too in the details. Every time I see a "nasone" (the typical Roman water fountain) something poetic pours in my stomach, like meeting your old crush. The leaves are scattered as if by the hand of stylist. Tired and consumed by the heat, dived into the freshness of the puddle. Something I would too, with the heat of these days.
Another part is that there already way too many excellent and huge feeds on Rome's sights and views. Mostly looking the same, with the same color pallet, with few or no words. Well, I don't wanna share what I am tired of seeing. I am still looking for my own visual voice, but searching is more fun than going with a nameless flow. So I call this, the thirst of a Roman summer, festa di Roma, 2017. ???
#LabNoon #Romanity


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