I heard the saddest story today. A father lost his son two days ago. The son was only 21 and he passed away from a cocaine overdose. Life isn't fair. I think about all the times I partied and how many chemical substances I took and here I am standing, breathing, alive when others aren't. Why? Life is a gift to be cherished and all that matters is the love we share. I may be paranoid but I always say "I love you" as the last words to my parents and my husband because just in case anything were to happen I want those to be the last words we shared. _ Life can change suddenly. The time you take for granted can be gone like the last flash of the sunset. What was once filled with life is now shrouded in darkness, behind a veil. Gone from view. Not lost. But just not visible to us any longer from our vantage point. Think about this: when the sun sets on you, it's rising for someone else. The sun really is always shining, it's just a matter of whether we can see it from where we are. I like to think we are like small suns ourselves so that we never stop shining, that our light is never lost. If we slip away from this earthly plane it isn't the end of our light, and in many ways maybe it's just the beginning. _ Some day we will have to say goodbye to the people we love. But that goodbye is only temporary. Or at least I choose to believe that's the case. The only thing that makes sense is to love more. If anyone reading this is in the midst of a family feud or has someone they need to forgive or apologize to, please do it. Don't wait for tomorrow. Be reconciled today. Yesterday is already done. Let the past bury your hurt and grievances. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Don't wait for it. But you have today, this precious moment, this is real, it's here with you now and you can choose to let love win. ? . #ibelieveinlove

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月6日 01時32分

I heard the saddest story today. A father lost his son two days ago. The son was only 21 and he passed away from a cocaine overdose. Life isn't fair. I think about all the times I partied and how many chemical substances I took and here I am standing, breathing, alive when others aren't. Why? Life is a gift to be cherished and all that matters is the love we share. I may be paranoid but I always say "I love you" as the last words to my parents and my husband because just in case anything were to happen I want those to be the last words we shared.
Life can change suddenly. The time you take for granted can be gone like the last flash of the sunset. What was once filled with life is now shrouded in darkness, behind a veil. Gone from view. Not lost. But just not visible to us any longer from our vantage point. Think about this: when the sun sets on you, it's rising for someone else. The sun really is always shining, it's just a matter of whether we can see it from where we are. I like to think we are like small suns ourselves so that we never stop shining, that our light is never lost. If we slip away from this earthly plane it isn't the end of our light, and in many ways maybe it's just the beginning.
Some day we will have to say goodbye to the people we love. But that goodbye is only temporary. Or at least I choose to believe that's the case. The only thing that makes sense is to love more. If anyone reading this is in the midst of a family feud or has someone they need to forgive or apologize to, please do it. Don't wait for tomorrow. Be reconciled today. Yesterday is already done. Let the past bury your hurt and grievances. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Don't wait for it. But you have today, this precious moment, this is real, it's here with you now and you can choose to let love win. ?


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