ニコール・ ポリッツィのインスタグラム(snooki) - 7月7日 00時00分

Use our kids as pawns for entertainment? GURLLLL. We are damn good parents and love to post about our children. Sorry we aren't cookie cutter parents that fit to your standards of "classy" parents. We can post whatever we want on our social media accounts. If our posts put your panties in a bunch, unfollow weirdo. Relax, have a vodka for breakfast and put a smile on that face and stop judging strangers. You don't know everything and you don't know us. Preach somewhere else tight ass ? @ジェイワウ - any words?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Dress Arrivalsのインスタグラム
Dress Arrivalsさんがフォロー

ニコール・ ポリッツィを見た方におすすめの有名人