Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 7月8日 01時56分

Achilles yesterday. For logistic issues we operated him at Dr Fernando's clinic instead of our own, and we had Dr Gustavo Adolfo Garcia @oftalvetmx , one of the best eye Doctors on the Planet in charge of our Blue Warrior's surgery, but after reviewing his X-rays, we came to a conclusion that there was nothing to operate, the Mighty Achilles grew too much bone so he was perfect. We probably may have an issue with the last Steel screw (Not put by us) in the future and we may have to remove it. Also, the X-ray didn't show his permanent teeth there so they might not come out. Having said this, The Blue Warrior is perfect. Another victory for Humanity...
Achilles está perfecto. Esto fue ayer. Lo operamos por cuestiones de logística en la clínica del Dr Fernando y tuvimos a cargo de la operación a uno de los mejores Oftalmologos del mundo, al Dr Gustavo Adolfo García @oftalvetmx . Pero después de checar los Rayos X concluimos que Achilles está perfecto y que lo que parecía una obstrucción, era solo un exceso de hueso gracias a la increíble curación que tuvo. El Guerrero Azul está perfecto. Otro triunfo para la Humanidad...
#ThinkBlue #AchillesBJWT #SaveTigers #blackjaguarwhitetiger #BeHuman #ThinkBlue


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