サマンサ・ドロークのインスタグラム(samanthadroke) - 7月9日 03時17分

Rejection is something I've had to get used to really quickly in my life. I grew up as an aspiring actress. If you don't know much about it it's basically interviewing for a job 3 times a week or more and being told NO on a daily bases based off your talent, look, size, shape, or whatever the character may call for. At first this was really hard for me. You get told in the room "that was a good job!" You leave and never hear anything back. "But wait! You said good job, right!?" I've recently had this happen to me again in a normal job outside of acting. And it bruised me pretty hard. But then the Lord told me, "I'm redirecting you. It has nothing to do with you, it has everything to do with where you're going!" I quickly remembered all those times as an actress that it never worked out for me because there was another role just around the corner. And every role I ever played, every person I ever meet got me to where I am today. So don't take rejection as failure, take it as redirecting you to the role God has planned for you! A role that you will star and shine bright in! ⭐️


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