ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 7月9日 23時58分

Photo and caption by @petekmuller. Bovino residents take an evening stroll through the so-called villa, a park in the center of this mountaintop, southern Italian village. Each evening, when the summer heat breaks, residents flock to the streets to relax and socialize. Given Bovino's position at the crest of a mountain, the constructed villa forms the town's only significant piece of flat ground. The rest of its streets are steep and made of ancient cobblestones. As sunsets over the villa, children chase and shout at one another in unruly games of football and tag. Teens look for opportunities to flirt and impress members of the opposite sex. Elegantly dressed lovers walk arm-in-arm as older residents talk of life in the town. As a person who moved often and consequently developed few roots, I am deeply moved by the profound sense of community that exists in here. People know and care for one another and, in many cases, share a family history that dates back hundreds of years. #Italy #Italia #Bovino #Puglia #travel #village #town


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