Rich McCorのインスタグラム(paperboyo) - 7月10日 01時19分

Beside the Coney Island boardwalk is this un-usual structure, the Parachute Jump. When it opened in 1940, it was designed to simulate the experience of falling to earth in a parachute but it struggled to make money. So the operators came up with an idea; they offered free rides to young women who looked like “screamers”. They’d then purposefully strand the ladies in mid-air during the descent so they, as expected, would scream in terror. Totally cruel, but for a while it did help to attract the crowds. However even these marketing tactics weren’t enough and combined with the fact that the ride often had to shut due to wind, it closed forever in 1964. Since then the tower has survived abandonment, planned demolitions, fires & Hurricane Sandy. Even Trump’s Dad tried to pull this thing down but it’s still here- a series of feats worth blowing it’s own trumpet about I reckon! Pre-Order my book for more New York images as well as loads of exclusive & unseen photos and some other surprises! Check out the link in my bio #newyork #nyc


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