ベン・ヒギンズのインスタグラム(higgins.ben) - 7月12日 07時56分

*(Sorry for posting again but I deleted this earlier on accident)* For the past several months I have made a commitment as a monthly donor to support @humanityandhope and the people they serve (like Jose Luis in this picture) in Honduras through creating sustainable jobs. Jose Luis is a project manager in La Coroza and I've had the opportunity to work alongside him for the last few years. I've learned what his life is like and his dream to create a brighter future for the next generation. He knows exactly what it's like to be in a place where you hold onto hope and now he gets to #bethelight for everyone around him in the village he serves. (Check out @humanityandhope post today).
Today I ask you to join me and the #HOPEBETHELIGHT campaign. The challenge is to give up something this month (or every month): This could look different for everyone. Maybe it's caffeine, chocolate, eating fast food, gym membership, a hobby such as golf, or something that feels uncomfortable living without - whatever you decide, make a pledge by visiting bit.ly/hopebethelight and know that the comfort you sacrifice is making a difference in someone's life. Share with H&H how you will "Be the Light" by using #HOPEBETHELIGHT and tagging them in a post. I look forward to seeing the light and goodness shine in all of you! #hopesquad #learngrowprosper #endlesslove


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




