クナル・ネイヤーのインスタグラム(kunalkarmanayyar) - 7月13日 19時59分

What a summer...On the way home now:) Finally had some time to see the world. So incredibly fortunate to spend time in Scotland, England, Spain, Italy. And everywhere I went I was showered with love. I can't tell you how much kindness there is in the world. Everyone is saying "the world is falling apart" "the world is scary" but every place I went I saw and felt the contrary. For every smile, every kind word, every friendly stranger on the street- thank you. I thought I had an idea about this world, but the truth is, I know nothing. I don't anything about one thing. And in my idea of how people are or my idea of how they "should" be- I've lost so much touch with reality. People are wonderful, beautiful, giving and loving, and if we all take a break from our pre conceived notions, a break from our social media, and look up at the world- it's not scary- not scary at all. I'm going to spend all of my time spreading love and kindness, because that cannot be denied to anyone. It is inherent within us- if we get out of the way. I love you more than you know... I wish there was more of me to give- because then I would be boundless...


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