トム・デロングのインスタグラム(tomdelonge) - 7月22日 00時55分

As Americans we like to have a loud voice about our accomplishments in whatever way possible. And that's ok, all countries should. But Britain is one of the true heroes of WW2, holding off the NAZIs while America debated and argued about how best to help or staying out of it altogether. Britain suffered about the same amount of casualties as the US. As a MUCH smaller country and fighting MUCH longer. Three times as many casualties per capita as the US. And Americans LOVE the UK, they are our brothers/sisters and closest friends. I feel like the Brits and the Yanks could never be split from each other....thankfully. Thank you to the U.K. for keeping the world safe until the US was able to get our heads together and do the right thing... help. #Dunkirk #christophernolan #ChurchillWillFUCKyouUp


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