姫沢のインスタグラム(himezawa) - 7月25日 23時12分

Don't be afraid of change, because it means progressing, growing, turning into a new path. Don't be afraid to change, just because you fell in love with a concept of someone elses idea of who you could have been at age sixteen. Don't push aside new ideas, for they are what make you the person you will discover, some day in the future, when you already forgot about today. They have grown into you, rooted deep inside a world within you. There is no right, no wrong, no yesterday and no tomorrow, just pushing forward every single day without hesitating. We are ever-changing, ever-turning, ever-spiralling through the days like the world around us. Don't be afraid of change, because making a difference has to start with you. #himezawa #akihabara #albumprogress #somethoughts #change #seeyouinthefuture


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