マンチェスター・シティFCのインスタグラム(mancity) - 7月26日 17時16分

David Lowry #ExtraordinaryCityStory with @visitabudhabi "Soccer is a big deal in Texas, I think it's the Latin culture. When I found Man City I just kind of liked the feeling behind it, know what I mean? I first started following them in 95 when they were up and down. And then fast forward to 2012, 93:20 when we won the league in the last seconds. I was at work. I full on cried. It was incredible.

My upbringing was blue collar. My dad is my hero, he works his tail off for everything. Started from nothing, made his way, been in the oil industry now for 40 plus.

My day job is hairdressing, I used to be a chef, but moved on from that, as long as I’m working with my hands I’m happy. I travel all around the country, have a salon on the north side of town and opening another one up soon. Still, I watch every City match. I get up at 6am and watch them live. When it's matchday my life 100 per cent revolves around City. Everyone at work thinks I'm crazy, but I'm all in now."


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