レイ・アレンのインスタグラム(trayfour) - 7月27日 07時21分

I'm sorry but this is insane!!!! Why does it matter how people identify themselves??? Anyone who wants to serve this country should have the right to sign up and serve this country. What happened to the most powerful person in this country bringing everyone together?? What a shame!!We all have the right to love who we want to love, live where we want to live! And we should all be able to participate in all things American regardless of what we look like. We must resist these idiotic ideas being spread about from this White House. I care about the inclusion of all people!! We do not live on this earth alone, let alone in America. If you don't like my opinion and you wanna spew hate just unfollow me. #wwjd #resist #airforcebrat #empathy #itsnotjustaboutyou


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