何維健のインスタグラム(derrickhoh) - 7月28日 21時15分

I'm so happy to announce that I just have a new release in Japan. It's the song 《First Heart Break》 in 當山みれい/Mirei Toyama's new EP - 《願い》.
It's a song I wrote in Music Finland's #APopCastle 2017 this year in May together with Mirei, @victor.sagfors and @oiva_timo . Thank you team for such a wonderful and fun experience. Thank you @musicfinland , every one involved in #warnerchappellmusic, Monica and @jessicaisme for this awesome opportunity to work with such humble and awesome talents. Great love to Tomohisa San and Taichi San for believing in the song. ありがとうございます!
Been venturing out of my safety zone for about a year now, and it's treating me extremely well. It's always a pleasure to write for other recording artists but never expected myself to have an international placement quite like this one.
Cheers for more to come! And yes yes there are more to come. ?
#songwriting #songwriter #finland #japan #mireitouyama #mireitoyama #mirei #firstheartbreak


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