ボリス・コジョーのインスタグラム(boriskodjoe) - 8月1日 02時12分

I'm wearing this goofy smile on my face because I just had a really negative thought that I needed to get rid of quickly.

I now realize that when I used to ponder negativity, think about impending doom and gloom, or constantly explain and even justify what my problem was on that day, I was actually manifesting the very feelings I was trying to get away from. "It's a superhero movie. I'm not a superhero, I'm not the right color, not the right type, not the right height...traffic is bad, I will be late to the audition...... I'm never gonna get this part." Negative thoughts lead to negative emotions lead to negative actions lead to negative outcome lead to negative thoughts lead to negative emotions...and on and on.... So in essence I was creating the circumstance I dreaded by making sure I imagined it in all its glory. Every detail of every possible bad thing while using exterior events to prove my reality. "Traffic is bad = Not gonna get the part"
So in the picture, I had just had a negative thought and decided to not even entertain it. I neutralized it at impact by immediately replacing it with a thought that produced this smile. Much better!

Celebrate solutions, entertain positive outcomes and joyous circumstances, and your destiny will be one of joy and higher awareness.
Your power, your choice!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



