ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月1日 08時00分

Sam Shepard, the celebrated avant-garde playwright and Oscar-nominated actor, died on Thursday of complications from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or #LouGehrigs disease. Sam, one of the most important and influential early writers in the Off Broadway movement, was 73. Born Samuel Shepard Rogers III, he first became a familiar face as an actor. But he was more at home as one of the theater’s most original and prolific portraitists of what was once the American frontier. In plays like the Pulitzer Prize-winning “Buried Child” (1978), he dismantled the classic iconography of cowboys and homesteaders, of American dreams and white picket fences. In his work, the only undeniable truth is that of the mirage; nothing is fixed. That includes any comforting notions of family, home, material success and even individual identity. “To me, a strong sense of self isn’t believing in a lot,” Sam said in a 1994 interview with @ニューヨーク・タイムズ. “Some people might define it that way, saying, ‘He has a very strong sense of himself.’ But it’s a complete lie.” The photographer @chadbatka took this portrait of #SamShepard last year in New York City. Visit the link in our profile to read the @ニューヨーク・タイムズ obituary for a man who translated a feeling of uncertainty into dialogue of an uncommon lyricism and some of the strangest, strongest images in American theater.


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