ティファニー・アルボードのインスタグラム(tiffanyalvord) - 8月5日 23時35分

every rose has it's thorns⚘ but they are beautiful nonetheless. To You, I hope if you're going through something this might help or be a good reminder... ? ok, A ROSE, we don't toss it out and say ew.. that rose has thorns.. we appreciate it for what it is.. but aren't we just the same?! EVERY PERSON has a thing, flaws -imperfections -weakness, (yes, if you're reading this that means YOU TOO ?) but it doesn't take away our beauty.. IT DOESNT make us less than or unworthy or not enough ? it's PART OF the beauty.. It makes us human; the intrinsic complexity of being human, of being real, of learning, growing, of becoming.. & isn't that beautiful. ❤❤❤ We can try to hide it, but we all have our scars, & YOU are beautiful, for EVERYthing you are. ? You're loved! *hugs*


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