タイラー・ポジーのインスタグラム(tylerposey58) - 8月8日 12時20分

Feeling really surreal being in the back of a car instead of on a bike. Thank you guys for sticking with me through this journey, just paying attention is helping spread the word about the heart of this motorcycle ride, which is ending HIV/AIDS. A special part about being on this ride for me is that I'm the youngest rider. The reason why that's a huge deal is because the HIV crisis is affecting our age group. Please be safe and spread the word. AIDS will be a thing of the past if we band together. Humans have a lot power when we merge as one. Which brings me to my next point. These fucking dudes in this picture with me. I gave you a glimpse of the ride through stories, but there were hours and hours of behind the scenes moments that solidified these people into my life. Not just the riders but everyone who helped us get from A to B safely. I love you all, miss you terribly. I can not wait for the next one. @kiehls @amfar #LifeRide8 ?: @travis_shinn


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