ジュリアン・ハフのインスタグラム(juleshough) - 8月11日 02時18分

#tbt to feeling completely disconnected to the "things" that can sometimes give you a sense of power, success, worth, acceptance and connection with the world and feeling totally connected to the fact that we are a small part of this incredible universe and the humbling feeling that when you really take a look at the "things" that cause stress and anxiety and an overwhelming feeling that you aren't enough, it all disappears. When it becomes all about me I know that's when I get the most stressed and overwhelmed. The minute I look outside of myself and find the joy in the little things..... animals, the clouds, water, people laughing with their friends, being able to FaceTime loved ones, driving, washing my hair, getting the public bathroom stall with the sink in it (that's my favorite haha) and so many other things we so easily take for granted, all of that goes away. My inner joy and peace settles in and the gratitude flows. I'm a normal person with ups and downs and so many people always ask why or how I'm so positive. Well that's the answer. When I'm in my head, I'm dead. When I look outside myself, I find my reserve tank and it's full. Or as I like to say, our true essence of who we are! :) Have an awesome Thursday (the day before TGIF) and I challenge you to find the joy in the little things today! You may surprise yourself! ?
?: @brookslaich


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