ウィットニー・カミングスのインスタグラム(whitneycummings) - 8月13日 01時28分

Yesterday the guy and I worked on freedom.
Freedom is such a complicated idea for me, especially since a lot of my struggles with freedom are self-imposed. I put so much pressure on myself to be perfect, to achieve, to work, to yield results that I often find myself bound by my own expectations and the expectations I assume others have of me.
Along the way, I forgot how to play. King helps me to re-connect with my inner child because he puts no pressure on me to be adult, mature, successful, or measured. He values almost nothing that humans value; he really only cares about me being authentic and honest, so he creates a safe place for my inner child to run free and engage in true play. I ran around like a nut case, releasing old pain and showing him that we don’t have to confine ourselves to the socially constructed version of any role we’ve found ourselves in: man, woman, horse, adult, etc. We can choose who we get to be and some days maybe thats horse lady running around like a maniac, releasing any need to be perfect or conforming. Thanks King for showing me that every day I have a choice of who I want to be and what thoughts I want to act on. For today, I’ll do nothing out of obligation or because society has told me I have to. Sorry to everyone I won't be emailing back out of obligation this weekend❤️


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