P!nk(ピンク)のインスタグラム(pink) - 8月14日 10時39分

It's incredible to watch neo-nazis march in 2017, while I, a Jewish woman, headline a show in Berlin where these tunnels were built by him, built curvy so he couldn't be shot in the back. I walked through this tunnel to get to stage while people just like him marched in Charlottesville. My heart aches for the amount of hatred in this world. But in this place, where so many awful things happened once upon a time, here we are together in Berlin. People of all walks of life celebrating together. He didn't win. Hate didn't win here and this show, all of us on stage and in the audience together, we are a living testament to that. This city of Berlin is full of beautiful, loving people who accept me for who I am. The world is still full of beautiful people. Hate will not win if we don't let it. It's up to each of us to choose love and acceptance. This is an old war that's already been lost. They will not win. RIP Heather Heyer ?


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