『PORTER STAND TOKYO STATION』 Good Evening. Today we would like to introduce the small accessories from the "PORTER LIFT" series which are receiving favorable reviews. It is a series using Yoshida & Co. Original Nylon Twill fabric in high density. This material is lightweight, yet has plenty of volume and an elegant shine like silk at the same time. The back side applies PVC coating for water repellent and reinforcement. Wallets, Multi-Case, and Key Case etc. are newly added to the line up this season. They are made using sewing methods normally applied on leather small accessories. Normally, small accessories made of nylon comes out to be quite thick because of the binding tape used to sew together the numerous parts, however this series is made slim using "faced edge" techniques which is said to be difficult applying on cloth. Moreover, the leather used on some parts enhance elegance to the item. It comes in various colors as well. Please take a look at them in store. こんばんは。 本日はご好評をいただいています「ポーター リフト」シリーズより小物をご紹介いたします。 吉田カバンオリジナルの超高密度ナイロンツイルを使用したシリーズです。 この素材は、軽量でありながらもボリューム感があり、シルクのように上品な光沢があります。裏面にはPVC加工を施し、ハリを出すとともに耐水性も兼ね備えています。 今シーズンから革小物などに採用される縫製技術を取り入れて製作したウォレットやマルチケース、キーケースなどのアイテムが加わりました。 一般的なナイロン素材などの小物は縫製部分をまとめるグログランテープによって厚みが出てしまいますが、布帛(ふはく)生地では難しいとされている返し合わせの技術を取り入れることで、厚みのないスッキリとした印象に仕上がっています。また、要所にレザーを使用することで上品な仕上がりになっています。豊富なカラーバリエーションも魅力の1つです。 是非、店頭でお手に取ってご覧ください。 #yoshidakaban #porter #吉田カバン #ポーター #luggagelabel #porteryoshida #kurachikayoshida #kurachika #porterseoul #madeinjapan #japan #porterstand #shinagawa #tokyo #instagood #instabag #instalike #wallet #keycase #coincase #cardcase #documentcase #lift

porter_standさん(@porter_stand)が投稿した動画 -

PORTER STANDのインスタグラム(porter_stand) - 8月18日 20時53分


Good Evening.
Today we would like to introduce the small accessories from the "PORTER LIFT" series which are receiving favorable reviews.

It is a series using Yoshida & Co. Original Nylon Twill fabric in high density. This material is lightweight, yet has plenty of volume and an elegant shine like silk at the same time. The back side applies PVC coating for water repellent and reinforcement.

Wallets, Multi-Case, and Key Case etc. are newly added to the line up this season. They are made using sewing methods normally applied on leather small accessories.
Normally, small accessories made of nylon comes out to be quite thick because of the binding tape used to sew together the numerous parts, however this series is made slim using "faced edge" techniques which is said to be difficult applying on cloth.

Moreover, the leather used on some parts enhance elegance to the item. It comes in various colors as well.

Please take a look at them in store.

本日はご好評をいただいています「ポーター リフト」シリーズより小物をご紹介いたします。

#yoshidakaban #porter #吉田カバン #ポーター #luggagelabel #porteryoshida #kurachikayoshida #kurachika #porterseoul #madeinjapan #japan #porterstand #shinagawa #tokyo #instagood #instabag #instalike #wallet #keycase #coincase #cardcase #documentcase #lift


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