Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 8月20日 01時02分

La Sepultura, in Chiapas. This is where we released our Horned Guans yesterday. Not bad ehh? This was our second option to release them, but @valerietowns and her bandana convinced us to release them here. She was right. Together with @semarnat_mexico and @profepa_mx from 4 individuals that we were given, counting our 2 freed Birds, now we have 17. The Horned Guan is more rare than a Panda Bear, a Gorilla or a Rhino...
La Sepultura, Chiapas. Aquí liberamos a nuestros 2 Pavones Cornudos ayer en conjunto con @semarnat_mexico y @profepa_mx No está nada mal verdad? De 4 individuos que nos dieron, contando a los 2 que liberamos ayer, ya tenemos 17. El Pavon es más raro que un Oso Panda, un Gorila o un Rinoceronte...
#HornedGuan #HornedGuanBJWT #PavonCornudo #BJWTconservation #Mexico #BeHuman #SaveOurPlanet #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger @rafaelpacchiano @valerietowns @tinajeroayala @magomezgarza @drmariomacias


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