ロサンゼルスカウンティ美術館のインスタグラム(lacma) - 8月21日 06時06分

Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa's (@naufusramirezfigueroa ) performance begins at 4pm today at LACMA!??
with performers, Nao Bustamante, Sebastian Hernandez, Pedro Jimenez, Marcus Kuiland-Nazario, and Jordan Puryear. It's FREE and OPEN to the public.

Guatemalan artist Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa’s participation in A Universal History of Infamy is an installation and a performance titled El Corazón del espantapájaros (Heart of the Scarecrow), after a play by Guatemalan playwright Hugo Carrillo. The costumes and props used in the performance are part of the installation, which is activated by five L.A.-based performers working under the direction of the artist. Despite the critical success of the play in the 1960s, a 1975 student production faced brutal repression and censorship, which led to the cancellation of the show and the company’s entire theatrical season.—Guadalupe Rosales (of @veteranas_and_rucas And @map_pointz) #LACMAInstaResidency #pstLALA


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