ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月23日 10時26分

@alicelouisewaters took LSD only once. The drug came from a French visitor who got it from Owsley Stanley, the sound man for the Grateful Dead. “His stuff was what Ken Kesey, the Beatles and Timothy Leary all took,” the chef writes in her new memoir. Of course it was the best. This is #AliceWaters, for whom the provenance of everything she puts in her mouth is paramount. She pioneered farm-to-table food at Chez Panisse. She’s the reason restaurants started naming farms on menus and serving mesclun salads and American-made goat cheese. And as the chef Diego Galicia said, “She is one of the titans of the mythical chefs in this country.” Eager students of @alicelouisewaters’s place in America’s culinary history will most likely devour her book as readily as her critics. Sprinkled with photos, it traces her years as a European backpacker smitten with France and as a young radical cooking for the Bay Area’s antiwar intelligentsia. It ends the night the enthusiastic but very green cook opened her tiny, fixed-price French restaurant. @jasonhenry took this photo of @alicelouisewaters, who’s now 73, in the Edible Schoolyard garden in Berkeley, California. The project has spawned at least 5,500 other school garden programs since 1995.


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