モヒートのインスタグラム(mojito_rose_family) - 8月23日 22時44分

We can't be here in person today but we are there in spirit! Charlie is an adorable pup who was approved to live in the city of Lakewood, OH (with really dumb BSL laws) when his family rescued him. Now as he's gotten bigger they have determined his looks too much like a pit and needs to leave. It's beyond heartbreaking. BSL laws have been proven not to work. Why isn't the city focusing their time, energy and resources on REAL crimes happening everyday. Maybe start with the sick people who injure and abuse their pets? Isn't that what we should be concerned about? My parents plan to move in the next year or two and as of now, this city is out of the question. We will not move somewhere that discriminates based on looks-of dogs or people. #lkwd4charlie #imwithcharlie #lakewoodohio @thegregmurray @allbreedslakewood


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